
Wishing all our Battalions, Companies, Leaders and Members an enjoyable and successful 140th Anniversary Session - 2023/2024

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District News

About the North West District

The North West District of The Boys' Brigade comprises all Companies in Lancashire, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and the Isle of Man, together with some Companies just outside these areas. It has a Boy membership of about 1,566 with about 611 leaders in some 59 Companies spread over 12 Battalions.

You can view previous Annual Reports up to 2010 (in pdf format) by clicking here.

Use the "People" button on the About menu for some information on the District Office Bearers and Centre Staff.

The District exists to provide facilities, training and events for the members in its area. Use the links in the navigation bar to find out something about the greatest District in the greatest organization for Boys.

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Suggestions (especially from the BB in the North West) of what to include in these pages is welcomed.