
Wishing all our Battalions, Companies, Leaders and Members an enjoyable and successful 140th Anniversary Session - 2023/2024

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District News

The District Charities

There are two registered charities in operation which are pertinent to the work of the District in the North West.

The first is registered as NORTH WEST DISTRICT OF THE BOYS' BRIGADE with the number 520143. This charity covers what might be regarded as the day to day traditional work of the Boys' Brigade here in the North West.The entry for this charity in the Charity Commission Register may be inspected here. The Trustees are the elected District Officials.

The second is registered as THE TRAINING AND CONFERENCE CENTRE FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE BOYS' BRIGADE IN THE NORTH WEST OF ENGLAND AND THE ISLE OF MAN TRUST with the number 1097985. This charity covers the development and operation of the Training and Activities Centre at Treales. It is the legal owner of the property. The entry for this charity in the Charity Commission Register may be inspected here. There are six Trustees.

Terms of office of elected Trustees are staggered so that elections take place every two years at the Annual Meeting of District Council. If you wish to make a charitable donation to our work, please consult the District President or District Secretary as to which would be the more approriate charity to receive your donation.